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A la tentative de synchroniser mon compte gmail, il se bloque et je reçois le message :
Sync Gmail: Error: Too many errors 404 when adding contact
Cette erreur est récente.
Quelqu'un peut...
0 ??? 13 2025-02-07 - 15:48
by ???See the post
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Bonsoir, me donne :

Désolé, impossible d'accéder à cette page.Il semblerait que la page web à l'adresse
3 Jacques Pyrat 300 2024-09-12 - 14:50
by Jacques PyratSee the post
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I can't sync the address book with the GMAIL account.
It tells me "access denied". What should I do? Thank you
0 Pablo Testoni 511 2024-01-11 - 21:26
by Pablo TestoniSee the post
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Passé sous Outlook 2021, je rencontre un problème lors de la création d'un événement directement dans Memotoo.

Lorsque je créé un événement dans outlook, il est synchronisé avec la bon...
1 ??? 879 2023-06-19 - 20:16
by ???See the post
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0 diaetolin 1504 2023-01-14 - 12:15
by diaetolinSee the post
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Hello there,
seems that there is some auth problem when creating a sync from outlook 365 windows desktop client (version Microsoft® Outlook® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2211 Build 16.0.15831.20098...
0 michele 895 2023-01-11 - 09:41
by micheleSee the post
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J'ai un client qui utilise Memotoo depuis des années avec Exchange.
Mais Microsoft vient de mettre fin à EWS :
4 Jacques Pyrat 1384 2024-09-04 - 09:04
by Jacques PyratSee the post
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There clearly is a problem with the web address which no longer works. That renders any android and thunderbird (lightning) sync unusable for me.

Will anyone notice and fix it?
2 Wolfgang 910 2022-09-03 - 08:39
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I have, since a long time, two-way sync set up for my contacts on an android phone, and since some time, newly created contacts on the phone do not get uploaded to memotoo. Sync in the other direction...
0 ??? 2626 2022-09-01 - 10:52
by ???See the post
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When I click on "Authorize Memotoo to access my contacts", no OAUTH2 window opened and no authorization executed. Accordingly, no access to contacts.

Could you please fix i...
0 Symnok 1241 2022-07-07 - 20:18
by SymnokSee the post
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If I attempt to add Yahoo! address book sync to my account it asks "Authorise Memotoo to access my Yahoo contacts" and upon clicking this button Yahoo responds "Uh-oh! Looks as if something went wrong...
0 Mark Morgan 529 2022-06-15 - 16:57
by Mark MorganSee the post
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What is the advised sync app for android 12? memotoo app is not listed, DAVx5 and Opensync are not working (loss of calendar data, no contact sync as soon as a change is made on the phone). Th...
0 Benoit 777 2022-03-07 - 11:21
by BenoitSee the post
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When I try to sync with Gmail (Gmail-->Memotoo) I get the error
"Sync Gmail: Error: Gmail access denied ("

I tried multiple accounts, with and without 2FA, still get same er...
14 ??? 4721 2022-04-26 - 19:03
by DaniSee the post
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I tried the gmx plugin and also the carddav plugin.
Nothing works.
It insists that either the username/Password (rechecked 100 times!) is wrong or there is a wrong XML response.

What can I do?
1 ??? 782 2022-10-25 - 17:27
by AZESee the post
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I was just looking for an address in contact list on my iPhone and noticed that the address field was missing. All of the other fields appear fine.

I checked my contact entry and both the home and ...
3 ??? 870 2021-12-30 - 23:20
by Kenneth LeeSee the post
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Hello, I have my Memotoo tasks synced to my Thunderbird using CalDAV. After my Thunderbird upgraded to version 91.2.1 (from version 78.14.10), my Memotoo tasks are no longer visible in Thunderbird.

2 zjays 1392 2021-11-22 - 08:49
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Just today, my Memotto widget stopped working, just displays a spinning timer. I tried to delete and re-add the widget, but when I put in my Memotoo username and password and click to add to my main N...
0 Stephen Wade 1048 2021-06-14 - 12:18
by Stephen WadeSee the post
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Bonjour Thomas,

Nous utilisons Memotoo en Premium depuis plusieurs années. Nous sommes passés sur office 365.

Lors d'une synchronisation avec le champ Titre de...
0 O.Lefrancois 1054 2021-05-21 - 09:18
by O.LefrancoisSee the post
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I have set up my Memotoo account as described. Contacts are synced successfully to my Mac.
But when I want to edit a contact on my Mac all editable fields (except the name) are greyed out and not acc...
0 Jen 983 2021-05-02 - 01:31
by JenSee the post
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I want to establish a secure connection to my ldap adressbook in Thunderbird. Unfortunately this does not work: no deliverance of mail addresses with the port number 636. Everything is fine with 3...
2 Tom 3899 2021-07-01 - 07:11
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I recently lost a lot of data, probably after upgrading my Samsung S10 to Android 11. I am using CardDAV-Sync and CalDAV-Sync and it was not working, when I reconfigured the apps, my data h...
1 Benoit 1746 2021-11-28 - 18:30
by Max PyziurSee the post
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I posted this in the general form but got no responses. This certainly looks like a bug, Here's my original post with some additional info...

I recently switched from an android phone to an iphon...
1 mashwell 1595 2021-02-17 - 08:57
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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OS: archlinux
Thunderbird 78.4.3

If i modify tasks and events in Thunderbird, since last update (68 to 78), spaces appear randomly into the text.

If i reopen the task or event to correct the sp...
1 NPA 1868 2020-12-20 - 17:34
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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my memotoo calendar is not syncing with my icloud calendar. I've updated my app password at least once just to ensure that I am using the correct password.

After some digging I see one calendar ent...
1 Kenneth Lee 1894 2020-11-15 - 22:59
by Kenneth LeeSee the post
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What's the meaning of this?

I thought I was getting rid of it by loosing the connection with Google and reconnect. Then I deleted a huge amount of double appointments and back I am with this error ...
2 ??? 3422 2020-09-27 - 15:32
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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This morning, I cannot sync the new thunderbird 78 built-in calendar with memotoo anymore. Has anything been changed?
11 WCr 5109 2022-09-03 - 08:45
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Nous venons de migrer sur office365 et exchange online et on continue d'utiliser Memotoo. J'avais testé que la synchro fonctionnait bien, mais je ne m'étais pas aperçu d'un détail : le cha...
0 Olivier 1024 2020-08-28 - 09:16
by OlivierSee the post
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A small issue that I noticed a few weeks ago: In the Memotoo Web view of my calendar, events only show as empty frames unless I move the mouse over it.
I'm using Memotoo on Windows 10 with Firefox 7...
2 Christoph 2946 2020-11-09 - 10:49
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Hi, I have a small problem synchronizing my iPhone with caldav.

Appointments show up correctly in Memotoo, if I delete the appointment in Memotoo it will not be deleted on the iPhone.

If I dele...
0 Sven 972 2020-04-23 - 18:28
by SvenSee the post
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Recently i've noticed that my 'new' replacement Symbian phone (Nokia E63) failed to sync any tasks with my Google Account via Memotoo. So, after checking that phone itself is correctly set and t...
4 Dmitry Tverdov 1208 2020-04-20 - 07:56
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I have different mobile devices, reporting a failure in committing synced changes for calendar items.

as a result i am getteing some items duplicated on the device side

the error report states: ...
1 michele 1855 2020-01-27 - 15:53
by micheleSee the post
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j'utilise Memotoo depuis plusieurs années avec une configuration simple : synchro du calendrier, des contacts, des taches et des notes (Microsoft OUTLOOK 2007) de mon ordinateur vers le ser...
0 gg 1034 2019-10-29 - 15:13
by ggSee the post
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Using the calendar on the web site, I have recently noticed that sometimes when I save a calendar item, the contents of the Description field are lost. Then when I re-open the calendar it...
1 Vince 1235 2019-10-29 - 14:57
by VinceSee the post
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actualy im on Free but in the next days my new old Nokia S40 shoud arrive. This Device is only for personal usage but some of my notes i want to take with me, even its weekend.

Because i only ...
0 Daniel 1046 2019-09-29 - 20:23
by DanielSee the post
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utilisateur fidèle et satisfait de Memotoo depuis plus de 10 ans, j'ai eu un vrai problème sur l'agenda il y a quelques semaines.
La majorité des événements avaient disparu, j'ai demandé un...
0 jeanbamin 1106 2019-09-22 - 16:35
by jeanbaminSee the post
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Je cherche une solution pour synchroniser les attributs complets des tâches entre Memotoo, Thunderbird et une application Android. La solution proposée (avec Astrid et Memotoo Sync pour Andr...
0 Mayeul 909 2019-08-22 - 11:31
by MayeulSee the post
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The birthdays in Outlook 365 calender are created incorrectly. Instead of a whole day (from 00:00 - 00:00) they are created from 01:00 to 01:00 and apear as a 2 day-date.

Thanks for help
8 ??? 1578 2019-08-28 - 08:03
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Calendar and contacts on my iPad (ios v.12.3.1) no longer synching with Memotoo using CalDAV and CardDAV. They are synching fine on my iPhone with exact same settings and they are also synching fine m...
2 Tipep 1244 2019-06-08 - 09:39
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I just installed davx5 (former davdroid) but it can't find access to CALDAV or CARDDAV service. I use and my login/password. What's wrong with this configuration ? Thanks in...
6 philoub 2461 2020-01-09 - 23:20
by PJSee the post
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I have downloaded Astrid (local download from Memotoo page) for tasks and Memotoo applications for syncing them into my phone Cubot King Kong 3 with Android 8.1.

But there are plenty of errors - f...
0 Mirek_mobil 1157 2019-04-18 - 16:25
by Mirek_mobilSee the post
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J'ai le soucis suivant, depuis mon téléphone android J6 il m'est impossible de créer ou modifier des contactes sur Memotoo?

Merci pour votre réponse
1 Gregory 1106 2019-04-07 - 12:42
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I used for many years Memotoo for synchronizing of my Samsung XCover B2710 phone (non Android).
On 2019-03-30 I have bought the second phone: Cubot King Kong 3 (Android 8.1.0) and I connected...
8 Mirek 1512 2019-04-14 - 18:35
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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My calendar sync module in Thunderbird Mail 60.4.0 (tbsync + Provider for EAS) does not work since 6th of Jan, throws a "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" when trying to connect to Trying t...
1 qpfcnp 1609 2019-01-11 - 10:08
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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It seems that memotoo can not contact Simplenote for synchronization. My last sync has occurred in 2016 (two years ago). Tried to re-enter username and password several times, always got the same erro...
0 Toomas Tamm 1116 2018-12-02 - 21:19
by Toomas TammSee the post
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Access to memotoo website and API is currently somehow broken. it works most of the time, but here and there browser access hangs. Also ping to the sites ip address shows here and there timeouts. The ...
0 ??? 1146 2018-11-27 - 20:12
by ???See the post
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I m trying to sync 1CRM with Memotoo an got this Error Message.
I use the Sync specific Password and the correct Username
Any Ideas?
1 Sven 1654 2018-11-22 - 17:50
by Michael WhiteheadSee the post
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I'm using memotoo to sync my iPhone calendar (iPhone SE, iOS 12) via CalDAV. When I'm entering alerts for calendar entries on the iPhone, they mostly disappear after synchronization with me...
3 Christoph 1746 2019-01-12 - 11:36
by ChristophSee the post
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Hi Thomas,

I'm now using bi-directional iCloud sync and I've seen two problems:

- When I set groups for a contact in Memotoo those groups settings are not mirrored in iCloud.
- I monitored once...
0 Helge 1167 2018-08-29 - 17:57
by HelgeSee the post
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Lately the syncronization between my Memotoo account and Outlook contacts directory (via Activesync), stopped working. I reckon after one of the Office autoamtic updates. There's a message in Contact ...
0 Livio R. 1096 2018-08-26 - 11:53
by Livio R.See the post
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Hello. Have been working fine with Memotoo for a long time. Today, have issues with some, but not all, of my accounts while synchronizing.

Have tried disconnecting and reconnecting accounts with s...
3 D Edwards 1398 2018-08-21 - 22:16
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I sync two accounts' addressbook. One didn't anymore, so I deleted it and tried to set it up anew. Unfortunately Google does not allow the access. I doublechecked the pw, it is correct.

What ca...
1 ??? 1344 2018-08-21 - 18:39
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I sync two gmail contacts accounts without any problem, but I'm trying to sync a third one and appears this error: Error: Google access denied - My Address Book.
1 Alfonso 1390 2018-08-21 - 18:27
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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With my Samsung A5 2017 it isn't possible to add or edit contacts in memotoo.
In the past it wasn't a problem, but now (with Android 7.0) I'm struggling for weeks with this problem.
Is there already...
6 WD 2057 2021-06-25 - 01:57
by VinceSee the post
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I'm entering a valid username and email on the password reset form, but all i get is
"You must enter your username and your e-mail"
I'm 100% sure about username/email.
1 durtiq 1439 2018-04-04 - 08:12
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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In Memotoo the "number of contacts" is at this moment 2264, while "my addressbook" says 2255 and "NB:" (beneath All, A, B, C ....) says 2264, again. I have only one addressbook, and there are p...
1 hotzenblotz 1337 2018-03-30 - 18:16
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Bonjour, à l'ajout d'un contact, à la première lettre tapée dans le champ "Société" le navigateur se bloque complétement en attendant la réponse du serveur. Peut-on faire cette requête en tâche de fon...
1 Benoit 2061 2018-05-28 - 00:08
by BenoitSee the post
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Depuis une mise à jour de Windows 10 vers le 23 décembre 2017, mon outlook 2010 ne synchronise plus avec Memotoo. Voici ce que remonte le log :

11:39:20 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - Windows Sy...
2 Olivier Lefrancois 1707 2018-02-20 - 12:23
by Olivier LefrancoisSee the post
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Je synchronise 6 calendriers Google (provenant du même compte) et 2 calendriers Exchange provenant d'une entreprise.
Je rencontre des problème de perte de synchronisation (depuis de longs m...
2 Manu 1690 2018-04-29 - 16:26
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Hello, Syncplaces can't be installed with Firefox Quantum because it is not signed.
Is there any Syncplaces signed version available? Thank you!
0 Benoit 1141 2018-01-17 - 21:45
by BenoitSee the post
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I am using the "Business Calendar 2 Pro" app and the "CalDAV" app on my android phone to sync my calendars between the phone and memotoo servers.
It works quite well most of the time.

0 Anna 1243 2018-01-16 - 10:54
by AnnaSee the post
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I have a new sync on my android phone, that has many duplicates. The addressbook on memotoo does not have the same duplicates. What could cause this? If it matters, I am set for one-way sync from memo...
1 ??? 1369 2018-01-22 - 14:09
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I use a Sony Xperia XZ and have recently run an update on the phone. Everything was working fine until then.
Since the update I cannot access the "Edit contact in..." - "Memotoo" option. I am...
0 Leonard 1191 2018-01-14 - 23:25
by LeonardSee the post
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I always get the error message "Error2: Unauthorized wrong iCloud login or password for account ..."

- No Two Step Authorization activated

- Double checked correct password set. I can lo...
1 Helge 1551 2018-01-03 - 07:52
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Hi Thomas,

after a couple of days using the scenario described in the subject with an 1 hour interval I received a couple of times a sync deactivation message because of syncs taking slightly longe...
0 Helge 1239 2017-12-16 - 19:55
by HelgeSee the post
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when I synchronize with Office365 exchange server via (oneway sync Memtoo -> Office365) the address book entries in the Office365 account have birth dates -1 day ...
7 Helge 1639 2018-02-27 - 15:39
by HelgeSee the post
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Since 2 or 3 days I have an error when a try to sync my outlook data (agneda, notes, contacts) with memotoo via Funambol
client :
COM Pointer Error. Code = 8000ffff: Défaillance irrémédi...
3 Gisele Gaubert 1741 2018-01-03 - 08:01
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Used memotoo for years but does not appear to work on the Samsung Note 8.

With the memotoo app I can see all my contacts if I choose to view memotoo contacts on my phone.

But I can't add edit me...
4 JOE 1504 2017-11-14 - 22:57
by RobertSee the post
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Is anyone else having problems connecting to iCloud?

The issue is MemoToo being unable to authenticate to iCloud.

The error is:

Error2: Unauthorized wrong iCloud login or password for account...
1 ??? 1535 2017-11-03 - 19:17
by ???See the post
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Hello, just getting used to this but have been fairly successful so far!
My only issue is I have manage to sync fastmail via Carddav, the first sync works very well, but after that I simply get a mes...
0 gadgme 1241 2017-10-25 - 11:14
by gadgmeSee the post
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I've see that I've today big problems to sync the memotoo calendar with Outlook. If I write in the Memotoo Calendar it doesnt show in Outlook and the same on the other way.
I've changed in Outlook so...
0 Finjan 1199 2017-10-21 - 11:59
by FinjanSee the post
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I am unable to sync between Mail on my IMac and my Memotoo account. I have set up the Memotoo Internet account on the iMac using the instructions here:
3 Vince Fischer 1484 2017-11-23 - 12:14
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Hi, I tried to sync memotoo with my CRM contacts and calendar, which runs on SabdreDAV. The synchronization is always incomplete for contacts and dates. There's always a "Error: Wrong XML response" er...
1 ??? 1560 2017-09-29 - 18:13
by Toomas TammSee the post
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Yahoo Task / Todo - sync behaviour - default setting "Normal" and not "Important"

New tasks synced from Google Calendar (Todo) will be created in Yahoo Calendar as Task List with the priority set t...
0 ??? 1237 2017-09-10 - 18:35
by ???See the post
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Hi Thomas,

I'm getting a netork error message on syncing my contscts.
I've tried to resync downloading all the contacts, but it doesn't seem to work eather.
Could you pleas take a look at my acco...
0 fbinski 1280 2017-07-18 - 17:56
by fbinskiSee the post
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Has anyone else every had problems editing tasks on iOS? Whenever I delete a task on my iPhone it pops back again as soon as the app re-syncs. Also, if I edit a task (e.g. to change the due date) I en...
2 ??? 1570 2018-06-09 - 20:07
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Tasks with repeats are failing to sync to Microsoft Outlook 2013 (64-bit) Windows via Exchange Active Sync. The sync log shows them as "Memotoo » Microsoft Exchange Outlook : Add" but they do not sho...
0 Mark Morgan 1283 2017-06-13 - 19:07
by Mark MorganSee the post
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The netvibes contacts and bookmarks widget for Memotoo has stopped working - display is blank. I have tried re-adding the widget and signing in to my Memotoo account again but still does not work.
1 ??? 1582 2017-06-02 - 12:09
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Dear members,

since I have Android 7.0, I'm not able to sync NEW contacts with MemoToo Sync. With Android 6 when I created a new contact, the contact was created with the MemoToo-App. But now the c...
1 Artur Janzen 1651 2017-09-20 - 21:59
by j. LanghoffSee the post
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I am synchronizing my iPhone 5 (iOs 9.3.5) with the CardDav account.
I had a lot of trouble in the past, with Contacts duplication. I am slowly cleaning this, and I want to make sure not to go i...
10 rougetaureau 1592 2017-06-20 - 22:00
by rougetaureauSee the post
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I am planning to synchronize MS Outlook contacts with Gmail. But, I have noticed that Outlook contact is not opening after Windows 10 update.

During the search on the Google, I have got a referenc...
1 Russell Smith 1806 2017-06-22 - 21:22
by HenkSee the post
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Hi. I have a strange situation, and I'm not sure of the cause.

My setup is:
- a Windows 10 PC running Thunderbird, and I use TZ-Push to synchronise my address book with Memotoo
- my Memotoo accou...
2 ??? 1681 2017-05-02 - 01:41
by ???See the post
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I'm using MS Exchange Active Sync (Memotoo server: to connect with Outlook 2016 and Nine (Outlook for Android by
In both cases the "Nickname" is not ...
0 Henk 1208 2017-04-28 - 13:27
by HenkSee the post
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I am trying to do a first time sync from Memotoo to Google Calendar with around 5500 entries. However, after only 444 entries I am getting an error with the Sync inside of Memotoo that states: usage...
3 ??? 1588 2017-06-09 - 11:45
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I have been receiving the following error

since upgrading to MacOS 10.12.4. I have been able to repeat this consistently on two separate Macs (Macbook Air and iMac). The result is:

1 - not all ...
3 David Kohl, USA 1432 2017-11-03 - 14:59
by Vince FischerSee the post
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My iPad and iPhone's address book is the Memotoo address book. When I add a new contact on my iOS device or make a change to a current address via iOS, the changes do not synch to Memotoo. When I make...
6 David Kohl, USA 1425 2017-04-10 - 18:49
by David Kohl, USASee the post
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Hello, I can't manage to move some files from a directory to the root of the documents ("/") using the web interface to documents. I successfully moved all the files I had in the root directory to a n...
2 Benoit 1538 2017-05-03 - 10:28
by BenoitSee the post
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Hello, I got the following message when I try to access the documents from nautilus on ubuntu 16.04:
"Sorry, could not display all the contents of "/webFolder": Could not parse response"

2 Benoit 1477 2017-05-03 - 10:24
by BenoitSee the post
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I am having trouble sync'ing between MacOS Contacts and Memotoo using CardDAV.

I have set up the account in Contacts as described under "how to sync your contacts with carddav" and seems to mostly ...
1 ??? 1483 2017-03-31 - 10:24
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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Hi, I'm using the app DAVdroid but I have a problem. During the CalDAV syncing, instead of the € symbol on the cell appear strange symbols. I heard assistance but have said it is the problem of Memoto...
2 giovanni 1171 2017-03-29 - 13:51
by giovanniSee the post
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the iCloud sync (set to Memotoo --> iCloud only) sometimes takes longer than 120 seconds. Please increase the timeout value and if possible please offer an option that the iCloud sync reactivat...
0 ??? 1326 2017-03-13 - 01:31
by ???See the post
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I'm using a product called ContactSync for my Android phone:

It's mostly working well, but I'm having one issue. Any changes o...
4 ??? 1831 2018-09-12 - 17:50
by MBSee the post
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I just installed SOGo Connector 31.0.3 and followed the configuration instructions on the site. I am running Thuderbird 45.7.1.

Synchronization does not appear to be working. I am not being prompt...
1 ??? 1573 2017-03-24 - 12:51
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I have tried to back up my data using the respective function. However, I always get stuck with a blank page ( The issue occurs on computers running Windows...
1 1Calimero 1528 2017-03-01 - 09:01
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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When I schedule an event and include an email notification, the generated ICS sent through a Caldav sync includes the line:


When I then sync my calenda...
2 Glenn Brauen 1919 2017-01-11 - 17:43
by Glenn BrauenSee the post
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I have a question about Contacts synching with Outlook 365: for some reason, mobile phone numbers appears as 2nd office phone number. And if I remember well, it was like that in previous versions of O...
0 ??? 1345 2016-11-20 - 17:51
by ???See the post
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Clicking on the sync button does nothing at all, I have to wait min time 1hr for the autosync the calendar.

is this something by design? as the sync button for other providers like google performs ...
1 ??? 1693 2016-11-17 - 13:43
by xChrisSee the post
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Dear Thomas,
I use Evolution to sync all my calendars. For Memotoo I created new calendars with all needed info and basically all Memotoo calendars and events are shown in Evolution. But events are n...
0 ??? 1399 2016-10-30 - 10:59
by ???See the post
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Dear Thomas & Memotoo Team!
First, let me thank you for an excellent service! There are however a few technical issues that I describe below.

When synchronizing the Contacts (Nokia E52 Symbian 34....
0 Igor 1293 2016-10-19 - 14:36
by IgorSee the post
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Today I realised that memotoo lost the sync with !
I deleted the connection and added it again, now I am getting
"Error: Invalid synchronization key -> please try again"

Seems to me...
1 Chris 1910 2016-09-28 - 11:03
by Thomas - Webmaster MemotooSee the post
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I am syncing my Outlook 2016 with Memotoo with Exchange ActiveSync. Calendar items from Memotoo are being sync'd to Outlook with the time zone set to Bogota and the time is shifted to be one hour off...
2 Michael 1982 2016-09-29 - 01:37
by MichaelSee the post
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