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Calendar Event with Email Notification Generates Invalid Format ICS According to eM Client.RSS Feed

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Glenn Brauen

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smile Posted 2016-12-28 - 06:10

When I schedule an event and include an email notification, the generated ICS sent through a Caldav sync includes the line:


When I then sync my calendar to eM Client, it generates a log message saying:

23:24:52 memotoo calendar [CalDAV] Synchronizing items: Sync of item failed due to the following error: One of the identified items was in an invalid format.

If I remove the email notification, the event synchronizes to eM Client and appears in the calendar.

Playing with an online ICS validator, the "X;MEMBER" line is flagged as invalid. Should it be "X-MEMBER"? Is eM Client being too strict?

Most of my calendar events include email notifications so are dropped by eM Client during a CalDav sync. I am testing eM Client so have only recently discovered this behaviour.


2 Replie(s)
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Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo
Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo

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smile Posted 2017-01-11 - 10:43     Subject: Re: Calendar Event with Email Notification Generates Invalid Format ICS According to eM Client.

Hello Glenn

Try again, I have disabled "X;MEMBER" for the sync with eM Client.
Is it better now ?

Glenn Brauen

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smile Posted 2017-01-11 - 17:43     Subject: Re: Re: Calendar Event with Email Notification Generates Invalid Format ICS According to eM Client.

Hi Thomas,

Yes, thank you!

The sync to eM is working now.


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