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Can't link a contact on Android Android with MemoTooRSS Feed

Author Message
Artur Janzen

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smile Posted 2017-05-23 - 23:41

Dear members,

since I have Android 7.0, I'm not able to sync NEW contacts with MemoToo Sync. With Android 6 when I created a new contact, the contact was created with the MemoToo-App. But now the contact is created with the standard Android app and is saved only on the cellphone. When I start MemoToo Sync, this new contact isn't synced. When opening the contact and displaying, where the contact is linked with, it is shown that it is only linked with the cellphone (and with WhatsApp). My old contacts are also linked with MemoToo. My MemoToo Sync-App has all the permission, wich allow the app to handle the contacts. If I change an existing contact, that was in former times created with MemoToo Sync and that is linked to MemoToo Sync, then I'm able to switch to the MemoToo Tab to change the contact. But the new contact is only linked with the cellphone. By changing the contact, there is no MemoSync Tab and I'm not able to link with MemoToo Sync.

What can I do to solve this problem. Please help me.

Kind regards

1 Replie(s)
Author Message
j. Langhoff

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smile Posted 2017-09-20 - 21:59     Subject: Re: Can't link a contact on Android with MemoToo

exactly my problem too.
any solution for this?


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