Memotoo синхронізуй що завгодно !


Синхронізувати Apple iPhone 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / X / ... з Memotoo

Configure your Apple iPhone with:
 або  або  або 
Synchronization possible: ВізиткиКонтакти /TipsUse CalDAV to synchronize your calendar and tasks
infoTo sync the calendar, you must use the plugin: Synthesis SyncML PRO
1 Install with App Store on your iPhone: Synthesis SyncML Lite

2 Configure it with these settings:
synthesisSyncML2   synthesisSyncML3
Server / URL:
Server Login / User:Your username  Увійти
Server Login / Password:Your password
Візитки Contacts / Server Path:contact
» Sync some Memotoo groups?

3 Sync your phone: