Memotoo sincronizza tutto ciò che vuoi !


Sincronizza Android con Memotoo

Configure your Android with:
 oppure  oppure  oppure 
Synchronization possible: Mia RubricaContatti & Mio CalendarioCalendar / events & Mia lista Da FareTasks & Mie noteNote &
Miei FavoritiPreferiti & Miei FilesFiles & PicturesPictures & VideoVideo & Mia lista SMSSMS
1Install with Play Store on your Android: Synthesis SyncML Client PRO
 or Free trial (30 days for free): (
Read it with your smartphone to install this app

2 Installalo

3 Configure it with these settings:
synthesisSyncML9   synthesisSyncML6
Server URL:
Server Login / Username:Il tuo nome utente  Iscrizione
Server Login / Password:La tua password
Mia Rubrica Contacts / Server Path:contact
» Sync some Memotoo groups?
Mio Calendario Calendar / Server Path:calendar
» Sync some Memotoo categories?
» Sync only one period?
Mia lista Da Fare Tasks / Server Path:task
» Sync some Memotoo categories?
» Sync only uncompleted tasks?
Mie note Notes / Server Path:note
» Sync some Memotoo categories?
Mia lista SMS SMS / Server Path:sms
» Sync only one period?
Miei Files Documents:file
Miei Favoriti Bookmarks:bmark

4 Sincronizza il tuo telefono