Memotoo sincronizza tutto ciò che vuoi !


Sincronizza il tuo telefono BlackBerry 7100 con Memotoo

BlackBerry 7100 BlackBerry
Synchronization possible:
Miei Favoriti Preferiti 
Mia Rubrica Contattiok
Mio Calendario Calendar / eventsok
Mia lista Da Fare Tasksok
Mie note Noteok
Mia lista SMS SMS 
Miei Files Files & PicturesPictures & VideoVideook
Configure your BlackBerry 7100 with:
Synchronization possible: Mia RubricaContatti & Mio CalendarioCalendar / events & Mia lista Da FareTasks &
Mie noteNote & Miei FilesFiles & PicturesPictures & VideoVideo
1Download plugin:
 BlackBerry OS 6 or 7 oppure
 BlackBerry OS 4.7 or 5 oppure
 BlackBerry OS 4.5 or 4.6 oppure

2 Apri Funambol BlackBerry Sync

3 Click on Already have an account?

4 Configure it with these settings:
USERNAME:Il tuo nome utente  Iscrizione
PASSWORD:La tua password
oppureSSLSSL: (Problemi con il protocollo SSl?)
funambolBlackberry3   funambolBlackberry2
Mia Rubrica Contacts / Remote name:contact
» Sync some Memotoo groups?
Mio Calendario Calendar / Remote name:calendar
» Sync some Memotoo categories?
» Sync only one period?
Mia lista Da Fare Tasks / Remote name:task
» Sync some Memotoo categories?
» Sync only uncompleted tasks?
Mie note Notes / Remote name:note
» Sync some Memotoo categories?
Miei Files Files / Remote name:file
- only file < 25 MB will be sync
- only the "Files" folder of "Miei Files" will be synced
- subfolder will not be synced
Pictures Pictures / Remote name:picture
- only the "Pictures" folder of "Miei Files" will be synced
- subfolder will not be synced
Video Videos / Remote name:video
- only the "Videos" folder of "Miei Files" will be synced
- subfolder will not be synced

5 Sincronizza il tuo telefono
infoSet Forever in Keep appointments in the Calendar app, otherwise your past events will be deleted...