Consulta i tuoi dati sul tuo telefono mobile Consulta i tuoi dati sul tuo telefono mobile

Go to the address below with the browser of your mobile phone, log in, and view your data (address book, calendar, tasks, notes and bookmarks)!

Server location: Mobile

Sincronizza Sincronizza i tuoi dati col tuo telefono mobile

After each synchronization your mobile phone and Memotoo will have the same data!
LG KU990i Viewty
LG KU990i Viewty
HTC Legend
HTC Legend
Samsung GT-i9300 (Galaxy SIII S3)
Samsung GT-i9300 (Galaxy SIII S3)
Apple iPad
Apple iPad
Acer A511 (Iconia Tab)
Acer A511 (Iconia Tab)
All Nokia phonesAll Apple phonesAll BlackBerry phonesAll LG phonesAll Samsung phonesAll SonyEricsson phonesAll Windows Mobile phones»
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