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SOAP example in VB .NETRSS Feed

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smile Posted 2010-02-09 - 15:56

Hi all,

has anyone a working example how to use the SOAP-interface in VB .NET 2008?
I do not manage to get it work.

My trials look this way:

Dim para As New Memotoo.paramSearch()
para.login = "xxx"
para.password = "xxx" = "*e*"
para.limitStart = 0
para.limitNb = 100

Dim m As New Memotoo.MemotooSoapPortTypeClient("*", "")
Dim Ergebnis() As Memotoo.note = m.searchNote(para)

For Each erg As Memotoo.note In Ergebnis

This way it doesn't work. Has anyone an Idea?

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