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SOAP: please add REV field to Contact.RSS Feed

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smile Posted 2009-11-14 - 19:40

Could you please add a field for the 'last revision' to the contact information in searchContact/getContact/addContact/modifyContact soap calls? Thus the information you also put in the REV field in a VCARD.
Many thanks.

2 Replie(s)
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smile Posted 2009-12-01 - 16:33     Subject: Re: SOAP: please add REV field to Contact.

rev = last change date/time?
I would like to see that too. It's needed for syncronisation.

Also i have an other problem:
following the soap examples, the can get the items from the with searchContact(). But insert a new one using addContact() ends with:

- SoapFault: Error "addContact" operation :: No params for this operation in (...)
I checked this again again and I don't know what's wrong.

Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo
Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo

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smile Posted 2009-12-03 - 17:06     Subject: Re: Re: SOAP: please add REV field to Contact.

OK I have added a field "updated" with the date/time of the modification of the contact

bbinotto, try again to add a contact with this example:

Memotoo Cloud My Calendar Schedule an event with your contacts
Sunday 19 Monday 20
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