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contact synchronization with sailfish (jolla)RSS Feed

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smile Posted 2018-01-14 - 10:40

Hello, I have a very large contact list (4000= contacts) on memotoo and I have been syncing it with my jolla (sailfish) mobile phone for years, using syncevolution. But I find this somewhat complicated.

Looking through recent memotoo documentation, I get the impression that a more "direct" synchronization with carddav is possible.

Before I try that, I would like to know if others have been using this successfully?

Thanks for any suggestions

Memotoo Cloud My Address Book Ask my contacts to update their information

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smile Posted 2018-11-23 - 10:29     Subject: Re: contact synchronization with sailfish (jolla)

I would like to try and simply ask this question again. It is now even more pertinent because with the latest salifish update, syncevolution is broken again and I therefore have no sync possibility between my phone and my memotoo addressbook.

Has anyone been able to two-way synchronize the addressbook between memotoo and a sailfish phone (jolla, xperia x)?

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