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Off-line editing of ContactsRSS Feed

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smile Posted 2015-07-08 - 21:06

Hi. I was without Internet for a couple of days lately, and I realized how dependant I am on the Memotoo web interface.
I'd like to know what is the best way to keep my contacts lists offline, and to edit it.
I used to work a lot with Outlook, then I gave up a bit because of all the sync problems between programs/platforms.

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4 Replie(s)
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Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo
Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo

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smile Posted 2015-07-09 - 08:13     Subject: Re: Off-line editing of Contacts


You can not use the website to work offline, but you can use device or softwares that you sync with Memotoo to work offline.
-> When you will be online again, theses devices/software will sync the data added/modified/deleted to Memotoo.


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smile Posted 2015-07-09 - 15:01     Subject: Re: Re: Off-line editing of Contacts

Thanks. I'd like suggestions regarding these softwares, in Windows, knowing that I use Memotoo, Google Contacts, iPhone and use Groups a lot. I know we must be tens of thousands having this configuration


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smile Posted 2015-07-15 - 17:31     Subject: Re: Re: Re: Off-line editing of Contacts


Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo
Thomas - Webmaster Memotoo

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smile Posted 2015-07-16 - 14:29     Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Off-line editing of Contacts

Sorry I will not implement this feature ...

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