Достъп до вашата информация през мобилния телефон Достъп до вашата информация през мобилния телефон

Go to the address below with the browser of your mobile phone, log in, and view your data (address book, calendar, tasks, notes and bookmarks)!

Server location: m.memotoo.com Mobile

Синхронизирай Синхронизация на данните с мобилния телефон през

After each synchronization your mobile phone and Memotoo will have the same data!
BlackBerry 9000 (Bold)
BlackBerry 9000 (Bold)
Nokia 920 (Lumia)
Nokia 920 (Lumia)
Apple iPhone
Apple iPhone
HTC Legend
HTC Legend
Motorola K3
Motorola K3
All Nokia phonesAll Apple phonesAll BlackBerry phonesAll LG phonesAll Samsung phonesAll SonyEricsson phonesAll Windows Mobile phones»
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